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How to Send An Interactive Proposal or Signature Request Email

Sending an interactive proposal and a signature request is a mobile-friendly way to obtain a client's signature. This is most often used by sales reps in the field when they are selling using a tablet or other mobile device. Both options allows your clients to view the full proposal details, as well as sign the contract on the fly. 

Follow these steps to send either an Interactive Proposal or Signature Request email:

  1. Log into MediaOS and confirm that your email is connected.
  2. Then, from the Sales page, view any open proposal.
  3. Select the Email button to display the email drop down options.
  4. Select the Interactive Proposal or Signature Request option and your email will display.
  5. Complete your email and then select Send Email.
  6. Your client will receive your email with a link to review the contract and sign.
  7. Your client will follow the prompts and sign the proposal electronically.
Watch How to Send an Interactive Proposal
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