Google has recently been changing how developers can access their APIs to prevent the growing number of services in the market that connect to Gmail user inboxes and sell data from that access. As a result of this, your Google GSuite administrator will need to complete the following instructions. These steps only need to be completed once by the GSuite administrator.
- Sign in as an administrator to your Google Admin console.
- On the Admin console Home page, go to Security > Access and Data Control > API controls.
- Under App access control, click MANAGE THIRD-PARTY APP ACCESS.
- At the top of the Configured apps list, click Add app.
- Choose OAuth App Name or Client ID.
- Enter the following client ID, and then click SEARCH.
- From the list of search results, check the box for the client IDs above, and then click SELECT.
- Choose from the following options:
- Trusted: Can access all Google services
- On the apps page, the Access column will display the access status for the apps: Trusted.