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Whitelist Email Addresses with Google G Suite

If you find that you are not receiving the emails from MediaOS that you are expecting to receive, there is the possibility that Google's G Suite is marking these emails as spam. This article will go through how to set up a Safelist so you can whitelist the email address domain in Google G Suite.

How to Whitelist:

  • Sign in as an administrator to your Google Admin console.
  • From the Admin console Home page, Click Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail > Spam, Phishing and Malware.
  • On the left, select an organizational unit.
  • Point to Spam and click Configure.
  • If the setting is already configured, point to the setting and click Edit or Add Another.
  • For a new setting, enter a unique name or description.
  • Check the Bypass spam filters for messages received from addresses or domains within these approved senders lists box.
  • Click Use existing list or Create or edit list to select an existing list, or create a list of approved senders.

To add a new list:

  • Click Create or Edit list.
  • Scroll to the bottom of Manage address lists, and click Add address list.
  • Enter a name for the new list.
  • Click Add address.
  • Enter email addresses or domain names. Use a space or comma between each entry. For instance, if the email address is coming from JDoe@TestMagazine.com, you can just enter TestMagazine.com
  • Click Save to save the new address list.

At the bottom of the settings page, click Save to save the new spam setting.

When whitelisting email addresses, it can take up to 24 hours for your changes to take effect, so if you don't see those emails immediately, they will likely pop up in a day.

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