Keeping track of freelance work can be a chore. mediaOS’s freelance management tool allows you to quickly send and track work requests to your freelancers.
Freelance Work is assigned to a block of content inside mediaOS. In order to assign a freelancer to content, you must access the content that you would like to assign.
- Click Delivery using the left-hand navigation menu.
- Click the Content tab to see all of your content inside mediaOS.
- Click the View button for the content that you would like to assign to a freelancer.
- You will see the Freelancer Assignments section at the bottom of the Content Details window.
Creating a New Assignment
To create a new assignment, click the New Assignment button found in the Freelancer Assignments section. This will display the New Assignment dialog. Use the New Assignment dialog to complete the following information:
- Freelancer Select - Here is where you will select which Freelancer to assign this assignment to. If you have not yet configured your freelancers, you can click the New Freelancer button at the bottom of the New Assignment window to enter the Freelancer's name and email address.
- Type - Here is where you will choose which type of content your freelancer will be assigned. This can be either Content, Photography, or both.
- Amount - This is the amount of money that you are paying your freelancer for their services.
- Due Date - This is the date that this assignment is due.
- Description & Instructions - Enter any description or instructions you have for the freelancer here. This will be what the Freelancer sees in the body of their email.

- Click the Send button to send this assignment to your freelancer.
- You will see that the Freelancer Assignments section has been updated to reflect your selections.
- Here, you can see whom this content was assigned to, how much you're offering, the due date, the type of content you're requesting, the status of the assignment, and any documents that have been attached via the portal.
- You can also resend or cancel this request via this section.