Why are my invoices missing External Numbers?
If you are utilizing the Quickbooks Online integration, you’re familiar with external numbers. These are unique invoice numbers generated by MediaOS and are generally a good sign that your invoice has been synced between the two systems. However, sometimes the number that MediaOS creates will already exist in Quickbooks, this is known as a collision. When the a collision happens, an external number will fail to generate. The solution to preventing a collision is to set up a number prefix that will be appended to the front of the external number.
The steps below detail how to set up a number prefix. Note: The following steps are only available to users with Administrator permissions.
- Click on your profile avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.
- From the dropdown menu, select System Settings
- Select General Settings
- Use the search bar at the top of the screen and type in Quickbooks.
- Under Number Prefix, enter the word or letters you’d like appended to the front of your invoice numbers in Quickbooks. For example, MOS.
Note: Using a number as the prefix is not recommended as it can result in collisions. Use a word or a set of letters to prevent collisions. - The prefix will automatically save and all invoices generated after will have display the prefix on the external number.